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Official Rules


No purchase necessary. One valid entry per contestant.

You must be 13 years of age or older at time of entry to be eligible for this contest. This contest is void where prohibited by law.

Voting begins on Monday, October 30, 2017 at 12:00 p.m. EST, and ends on Monday, November 20, 2017 at 11:59pm.

Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received.

Automated voting of any kind is not allowed. Detection of said automated voting will lead to votes being voided.

The Band/Team with the highest number of cumulative votes at the end of the voting period, determined in Sponsor’s sole discretion, will be deemed the weekly winner. In the event of a tie, Sponsor will determine the weekly winner, in its sole discretion.

Sponsor is not responsible for lost, late, misdirected votes or votes not received regardless of cause.

WPXI-TV reserves the right to restrict the local winners to only persons whose primary residence is within a 60-mile radius of the affiliate's' office.

Employees of WPXI-TV, its respective parent, affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising sponsors and promotional agencies, and the immediate family members of each are not eligible.

Contest entrants agree to abide by the terms of these Official Rules and by the decisions of the contest commissioners, which are final on all matters pertaining to the contest.

Entrants further grant to WPXI-TV the right to use and publish their proper name and state online and in print, or any other media, in connection with the Contest.

WPXI-TV reserves the right to use any and all information related to the Contest, including information on contestants obtained through the contest, for marketing purposes or any other purpose, unless prohibited by law.

The Contest and all of the related pages, contents and code are copyright, UPICKEM, and/or WPXI-TV. Copying or unauthorized use of any copyrighted materials, trademarks or any other intellectual property without the express written consent of its owner is strictly prohibited.

UPICKEM and WPXI-TV are not responsible for Internet crashes or slowdowns caused by network congestion, viruses, sabotage, satellite failures, phone line failures, electrical outages, natural disasters or acts of man or God.

All results posted are unofficial until winners respond to e-mail notification.

This contest is not intended for gambling. If it is determined that a contestant is using the contest for gambling purposes they will be disqualified and reported to authorities.

WPXI-TV reserves the right to change the rules at any time.

This contest is officially sponsored by WPXI-TV.


   Official Rules   

Kings Cheer of the Year

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